Friday, January 20, 2012

Before I started to blog about my recent handy cleaning product I checked out my sister's latest post only to see her blogging about a cleaning product too! Boy are we sisters! Even scarier getting excited about cleaning = we ARE our mother!

I like going into the weekend having conquered something so today I decided to tackle our laundry room. This room is also our entry from the garage to our kitchen. Although I have it organized with laundry crates, several hooks for coats and a basket for shoes it was in desperate need of some disinfecting and scrubbing down. This is also where Jude still takes his baths so constant water splashes on dusty baseboards along with shoe scuff marks everywhere made for a lot of scrubbing! I tried my usual rag but it just wasn't doing the trick. Then I remembered something that my husband bought by mistake earlier in the week. We had throw up flu going on here so I sent him on a drug store run for all the flu necessities and instead of my usual Lysol disinfecting wipes he got scrub ones. Sure enough they worked perfect on everything and a little extra comet took off most the door frame scuffs. Yes, those fingerprints and black scuff marks all over your doors & frames don't have to be a permanent look! Even better my 3 yr old grabbed one & eagerly conquered wiping down the washer and dryer perfectly for me! Plus the best part is when done just toss!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Dual Action