Thank you Paw-paw and Maw-maw Lough for making it a special Christmas. This year went a little different then usual...
- No snow? Absolutely none, It almost didn't seem like Christmas without it. Not complaining though! Just weird to not have any stories of being without power, Justin's dad getting called to work on the lines our whole visit, getting stuck on the side of the road for hours or being snowed in at the farm unable to leave for days on end? Again, not complaining...just unusual!
- Getting to see Uncle Bruce, Aunt Greta & Caleb. Usually they are already making their trip to Maryland to see Bruce's family but this year they waited until after church on Sunday to travel so we got to spend some time on Christmas Eve together. And believe it or not all THREE boys took naps at the same time so Greta and I got to gab over party mix & diet coke in peace! CHRISTMAS MIRACLE ;)
- No Uncle Adam. Marines owned Uncle Adam this Christmas. We did get a surprise call from him on Christmas Day though! So good to hear his voice even if it was for only exactly 3 minutes and being monitored the whole time. One of my favorite past Christmas highlights was watching Adam & Justin box on the wii..everyone laughing at the sweat flying everywhere & the living room shaking!
- No usual Christmas day dinner at Justin's grandparents. Justin's grandpa was in the hospital this year so instead Justin and his parents took presents and dinner to the hospital to be with his grandparents. Thankful for Justin's parents who are always showing us in circumstances like this it's about about being a blessing to others.
With all the "un-usuals" this Christmas and some other happenings that have taken place this past year in our family we are thankful for God's sovereignty in our lives. Knowing He is good in every area of our life is a hope we have to help us live out our daily lives for His glory regardless of our circumstances!
Preeclampsia, Preemie, and Perfect Ending
9 years ago