Saturday, September 24, 2011

Inspiration for our brewing area

I love the fact that I have a hubby who enjoys COFFEE as much (possibly more) then me. I mean his Starbucks stop might just be more frequent then mine! Thankfully he likes one of their cheaper drinks (iced venti americano) so i can make up for it by getting a more "frilly" drink choice depending on my mood. I could explain what moods equal what drinks for me and how the weather & time of day enters into my decision, but that's just sharing way too much about myself!

However, most of the time we both just enjoy a strong straight up black morning brew at home. This is where my husband's particularity becomes I will say comical, but usually early in the morning when we are trying to get out the door the word I would use is annoying. Him standing at our "brewing area" waiting for the espresso to be just the right temp to put just the right amount of ice cubes in...I mean it really is a process to watch! But like I said, I am just glad to have a hubby who enjoys his morning (afternoon or evening) brew as much as I do!